Medicinal Products

Erlotinib Alpha-Medical 150 mg filmom obložene tablete

Name Erlotinib Alpha-Medical 150 mg filmom obložene tablete
Former Name Erlotinib Remedica 150 mg filmom obložene tablete
Marketing Authorisation Number HR-H-272495134
Active Substance erlotinibklorid
Composition jedna filmom obložena tableta sadrži 150 mg erlotiniba (u obliku erlotinibklorida)
Pharmaceutical Form filmom obložena tableta
Manufacturer Remedica Ltd., Limassol, Cipar
Marketing Authorisation Holder Alpha-Medical d.o.o., Dragutina Golika 36, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Marketing Authorisation Date 29.05.2024
MA Period of Validity unlimited
Classification Number UP/I-530-09/21-02/61
Registration Number 381-12-01/171-24-24
Prescription Medicinal product subject to medical prescription
Type of prescription ograničeni recept
Distribution Supply through pharmacies (community)
Advertising to general public not allowed
ATC Code L01EB02
Marketing status stavljeno u promet
Shortage status nema nestašice
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Brošura za zdravstvene radnike, verzija 2

