EudraVigilance training course - The new EudraVigilance System and the electronic reporting of ICSRs in the ISO/ICH E2B(R3) format
The Drug Information Association (DIA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are organizing a EudraVigilance training course on the new EudraVigilance System and the electronic reporting of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) in the ISO/ICH E2B(R3) format.
The training course will be held in Zagreb, May 14-16, and is intended for new users and users already trained on working with EudraVigilance. It covers the functionalities of the new EudraVigilance web application (EVWEB) and includes practical examples for creating, sending and accessing ICSRs in the new ISO/ICH E2B(R3) format. An evaluation of acquired knowledge will be held at the end of the training course.
Detailed information, agenda and application form can be found here.